Sunday, October 05, 2008

Woollybear Festival

Today was the Woollybear Festival in our town. I guess it draws the biggest crowd in the state. It definitely isn't my favorite event of the year, but we always end up going, since the kids have to march with the band. I always have to wonder why they have to do it on a Sunday. That drives me crazy! We had great weather today. Last year was H-O-T!

This is Kyle waiting for the M.C. to show up so they can do the Star Spangled Banner. He is usually late each year, however this year he was right on the dot. He is a local weatherman. I'm not a fan, but apparently a lot of people are!

This is a shot of the band marching in. They do such a great job. I love hearing and seeing them!

Kyle is the one to the right of the tuba.

This is Zach's first year marching. Here you see the middle school kids. They are kind of squished together!

Zach is a little blurry. Oops! This is his first year doing percussion. He started on saxophone last year, but is liking this much better. His shoulders really hurt by the time he was done though! EDIT: 10-6-08 This morning Zach has bruises on this thighs from the snare!

Cody was on "official police business" with his police explorer group for the day. However, each time we saw him, there seemed to be nothing official or police-like about it. Hmmm.
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As Brandon and I were walking around trying to be everywhere we needed to be this afternoon, we were talking about last year's festival. It was very different because nearly my whole family was here visiting for Brandon's baptism the day before. I can't believe it has been a year since they were here! That was such a fun time. I hope they'll be able to come out again, but I know how hard that is with soooo many little ones. We'll be here when you're ready......or any other family that would like to visit for that matter! ;)


Tanya said...

haha- even tho you don't like much about this, you are a good mom for loving and supporting your boys' activities! :) Looks like they enjoy it!
And congrats to your youngest!

Jodi Reeve said...

I sawe the band on the news Friday, but I did see Kyle directly

Karen said...

Yes, this brings back the memeroies of last years Woollybear Parade. My kids of course want to visit again, but it won't be in the funds for awhile! The boys look great!